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Dynamic graphs on the website

Adding graphs to a website can be powerfull, especially when they update automatically. This is a test graphing (automatically) the top 5 journals we publish in. I'm exploring this technique to share data in the future.

Adding graphs to a website can be powerfull, especially when they update automatically. This is a test graphing (automatically) the top 5 journals we publish in. I'm exploring this technique to share data in the future.

Ok, cool. Let’s see if this works! I’m using ChartJS for now to graph this. A javascript component grabs data from our publications and counts how often each journal is there. Then the top 5 is put in a bar graph.

Where do we publish?

With who do we publish?

Nice! Now I can use this technique to share data in the future. Ideally I hope to use this to share sequencing data as well, but that might be challenging given the size. For now it’s fun for statitics and fun little projects.

Citations and publications

per year


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